Browse through our blog page filled with updated information and the latest tips to help you achieve your goals.

Tips for writing readable system tests in Rails
Want to make system tests easy to main tain? We have selected some best practice tips to...

How to handle remote services in tests
Do you have difficulties in adding the new tests and their readability decreased due to...
Enum validation in Ruby on Rails 7.1
The latest version of Rails 7.1 introduces the ability to validate enums, enhancing data integrity...

Regular automatic dependencies update with CircleCI
Resolving the auto-upgrade issue will allow having edge gems versions with little to no...

Design Rails JSON API with performance in mind
Caching can reduce load time and increase the throughput of your API endpoints without...

How to avoid N+1 query using SQL views (materialized) in Rails application
Consider the way to reduce the queries when calculating the average values and find the...

Rails virtual attributes use cases
You want to keep some data but do not want to create the new column in the database? Your data should...

Where to read ENV variables in Ruby on Rails application
The ENV variables should not be used outside the config folder. This rule will allow the...

Collecting JavaScript code coverage with Capybara in Ruby on Rails application
Having JavaScript code covered by Capybara system tests, can we utilize them for the code...

New asserts for testing stopped streams after Ruby on Rails 7.1.
Previously, developers encountered a significant challenge verifying if streams ceased operation...