


Using a branch-per-feature git flow, you might have a trouble with quality assurance and testing, if your project is closely connected with OAuth 2 providers like Google, Facebook etc. In such a case you need to update the list of callbacks manually to let your QAs to login into the separate branches and test the features.

We created OAuth2.me service to set the callback url only once.

For installation OAuth2Me, you need to add gem to your application's Gemfile.
gem 'oauth2-me', github: 'jetthoughts/oauth2-me-ruby'
And then execute:
$ bundle

To use oauth2.me service you need to:

  1. Set your redirect uri to http://www.jetthoughts.com/oauth2-me/redirect
  2. Your application should use the state parameter to pass your redirect URI encoded with base64
How to install your own OAuth2.me?
Wait until github will compile the website for you.
For each new projects you should go to on OAuth2 provider site and setup new app. So with this gem you do not need it at all.
You want to share your public app which use OAuth2 and you want to add Deploy to Heroku button in order to have one-click installation you should use our gem. So user should not setup their app on oauth2 providers in order to check how your app works.